Temperature Calculator Software is based on the conversion tables available and calculation as per ITS-90.
This software is used to convert the Emf (mV)/Ohms generated by Thermocouple & RTD into the temperature or vice versa. It includes all type of Thermocouples including Base Metal Thermocouple (K, J, N, T, E), Noble Metal Thermocouple (R, S, B) Refractory Thermocouple (C, D, A),, and RTDs PT-100 & PT-200.
Temperature calculator is very useful for the personals, who are involved in Thermocouple & RTD measurement in their regular routine, it is very easy to use and saves the time to look for the tables for conversion.
DownloadTempsens Wake Frequency Calculator Software is easy to use and it also ensures that thermowell is designed within the dimensional limits of PTC19.3, 2010. This calculator establishes the practical design considerations for Thermowell installations in Power and Process Piping, which also incorporates the latest theory in the areas of natural frequency, Strouhal frequency, in-line resonance and stress evaluation.
If the application is fulfilling all limits of the ASMT PTC 19.3, it means the Thermowell met 5 criteria:
The results can be printed or saved to disk for future reference.
Reporting is possible for single thermowell, or for the full tag list. The program is very simple to use.
The program is “FREE” and can be distributed to other users, this was developed for Tempsens internal use and then we have now a lot of customers requesting for a copy of this program. Please give your necessary inputs for improvement in the program, if any.
DownloadSPRT is a standard reference, which is used to define temperature as per ITS-90. The ITS-90 extend defines upwards from 0.65 K to the highest temperature practically measurable in terms of the Planck Radiation Law using monochromatic radiation.
The range from The Triple Point of Equilibrium Hydrogen (13.8033 K) to the Freezing Point of Silver (961.78ºC) Platinum Resistance Thermometer is used as a defining sensor.
This SPRT calculator is used to provide the ITS-90 coefficients for the set of resistance readings provided on the fixed point cell.
For the range 0ºC to 961.78ºC the following reference function is defined:
An inverse function, equivalent to equation (10a) to within 0.13 mK is equation (10b)
The values of the constants Co, Ci, Do and Di are given in Table 4.
A thermometer may be calibrated for use throughout this range or, using fewer calibration points, for ranges with upper limits of 660.323ºC, 419.527ºC, 231.928ºC, 156.5985ºC or 29.7646ºC, all are having a lower limit of 0ºC.
Substance | Temp K | Temp ºC | State |
Water, H20 | 273.16 | 0.01C | Triple Point |
Gallium, Ga | 302.9146 | 29.7646 | @Melting Point |
Indium, In | 429.7485 | 156.5985 | Freezing Point |
Tin, Sn | 505.078 | 231.928 | Freezing Point |
Zinc, Zn | 692.677 | 419.527 | Freezing Point |
Aluminium, Al | 933.473 | 660.323 | Freezing Point |
Silver, Ag | 1234.93 | 961.78 | Freezing Point |
This free software has been specifically designed to provide the ITS90 parameters for temp range 0 to 660 deg C. For this the user has to provide the resistance values at TPW, FP Sn, FP Zn and FP of Al. This software shall calculate and provide the ITS90 coefficients and shall also generate a report for every 1 degree of interpolated readings for the sensors.
Other specific software for larger range can be provided on request.
This software is “FREE” and can be distributed to other users. It has been designed for the internal use at Tempsens, please double-check before use. Tempsens stand no guarantee for the output. We are open to your feedback for improvement in the program, if any.
DownloadThe provided “HT Config “software offers digital PC interface Using USB. Using this software transmitter configuration and sensor range can be change. This software provide all necessary information about Transmitter.